University of Pittsburgh Hillel, Leah Abrams, Senior JCSC Fellow Yearbook 2002-2003
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If you have not yet heard about the JCSC Fellowship, let me direct you to, or to find out more.  Basically, in a nutshell the Fellowship is an amazing opportunity for recent college graduates.  It is an eleven-month fellowship where you enrich and engage Jewish college students.  The JCSC spends most of their time on campus, planning programs and meeting people.  Basically I take people out for coffee, and find out what they are interested in.  Its not as if the Fellow is out there on their campus alone.  All JCSCs are connected through the Listserv, Instant Messenger, International Hillel-based in Washington DC , and the CJE-Center for Jewish Engagement in California .  We also have monthly conference calls where we check in with fellows from campuses that are similar to the one we are working on.  We discuss issues we are facing, programs we have done, and just how life is in general.  The JCSC Fellowship is an amazing opportunity for a person right out of college.  It is a one to two year opportunity to explore your Judaism and to discover where you would like to go afterwards, while also changing the lives of the people you work with.    

International Hillel is based in Washington DC .  The largest Jewish campus organization in the world, Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life provides opportunities for Jewish students to explore and celebrate their Jewish identity through its global network of over 500 regional centers, campus Foundations and Hillel student organizations.  Hillels mission is to maximize the number of Jews doing Jewish with other Jews.  Basically our job as a fellow is to reach out those Jews who do not know about Hillel, or who feel that Hillel has a certain reputation and make Hillel fun.   
 There are various conferences available to students and staff that foster communication with in the Jewish community.  As an undergrad I attended many of these conferences, and through these conferences I was able to meet many new people, students and lay leaders alike.  There are at least three conferences tailored to students and at least three for professionals to attend.  If you visit the Hillel website, it will explain these conferences more in depth.

What's New at Hillel?

As of today, 6/10/03, the JUC has a full staff for this coming school year.  Caleb, the new Senior Fellow and Jacqui, the new Jewish Student Life Coordinator, start July and August, and the new Executive Director Aaron, starts at the end of June.  Stop on by when you get back to campus and meet the new staff.  It is going to be a great year!!


 The Edward and Rose Berman Jewish University Center of Pittsburgh serves the various  campuses in and around Pittsburgh. There are over 3,000 Jewish college students in the area.  The JUC building is Pittsburgh's first free-standing facility for young Jewish college students.  We moved into the building in July of 2001.  It is a three story building located at 4607 Forbes Ave, in between the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University   
The Jewish University Center is made up of more than seven universities in the Pittsburgh area.  The community supports the JUC or Jewish University Center in several ways.  We have an adult board made up of community members who meet several times a year to help guide the development of our organization.  More importantly there is also the JUC student boards for CMU and Pitt.  

The Pitt student board consists of a President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary.  Underneath the executive boards are various committees that receive funding from their respective universities.  Pitts JSU, or Jewish Student Union consists of the JWO-the Jewish Womens Organization, JOG, the Jewish Outdoors Group, Israel
, Shabbat/Holidays, Community Service and Jewish Education.   

To contact me please email me @, or call Pittsburgh Hillel at 412-621-8875